Sunday, October 9, 2011


This weekend was a busy one. Yesterday, Steve and I spent the day with his mom, dad and brother. that was so relaxing and fun. We went to the Carriege House right behind our apartment and stuffed ourselves with delicious food.

Today, Jen, Emma, Abby and I went to colorfest. It was crowded as usual and there were lots of awesome crafts there. Emma walked the whole tie so we were there for a few hours and came back to my apartment to hang. There is never a dull moment with Emma and she changes so much every time I see her, which is pretty often, that's alot of growing she's doing. She will be 2 in 2 weeks. Man time really does fly!

Emma trying on my sunglasses (she does this everytime I see her)

Cuddling watching Shrek the III

Emma would start crying if we wouldn't let her help push the stroller...I hope this continues into adolescence.

Emma's "cheese" face

I don't know who taught her the "kissy" face that was so popular a few years ago.

Abby's new hat


~ Abby ~

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