Saturday, June 25, 2011

Busy at the Kennel

Hey everyone so I know it's been a while since I posted. I have been working my BUTT off! So alot to catch up on. I am just going to post pics of the recent dogs for now.

This is Dempsey. I call him my gentleman. He gets along with all people and dogs (even the dogs who can't be with other dogs). He is so patient with me. He waits for me to put the lead on his whenever I need to put him in his pen or put him in a yard. He never jumps, he always stays in his pen when I have to feed him. He's just an all around great dog.

This is Gunner. I only got to spend a few hours with him before he had to go home but he's obviously a puppy and is SO cute! His owner's son is about 5 years old and it was SO cute to see Gunner and the little boys reaction when they were reunited.

This is Diesel and man did he give us a workout. Diesel wouldn't go in his pen or and yard without throwing a fit (literally) he would either just lay down on his side or jump in the air and land on his side, as if he were a toddler throwing a tantrum. He eventually cooperated to the point that we didn't have to stop everything to get him to do anything so it all turned out ok.

This is Stoney. I knew that when I took this picture it would be hard to see him but he reminds me SO much of Steve's old dog Max. He's has the same happy go lucky personality and the same bark.

This is Ginger. She is the first tea cup Chihuahua that I have had the pleasure of working with. she is just SO tiny and very timid. I don't really blame her. Everything is just SO much bigger. when I hold her her ribs feel about the size of chicken ribs. She's still a little scared still but I'm sure she will come out of her shell later in the week and show that HUGE Chihuahua personality that they are so well known for.

This is Jake. He is a Papillon. I remember reading that papillon is French for butterfly (or something like that). You can't see it in Jake's picture but when their ears are up the long hair on their ears resemble butterfly wings. He is timid and a little irritable. He does not like Nick (my co-worker) to much but seems to be warming up to Sharon (my boss) and I. Like Ginger, he will be more of himself a little later in the week.

This is Buddy. He is a very happy (and heavy) guy. He always has a smile on his face.

This is Molly. Don't you just love the name? She was perfectly named. Doesn't she just look like a Molly?

This is Cee Jay. Cee Jay is a cocker-a-spanish-a-boy. He's an old man and is just a cool dude.

This is Chetsworth. He is a husky/wolf hybrid mix. He is probably the top 3 sweetest dogs I have ever met. I have a video of him since he is such a rare breed and will post it as soon as I can. He looks like a wolf and howls just like a wolf. He is just SO cool and not nearly as intense as I thought he was going to be.

This is Puppy. Yes, puppy. He is in the same pack as Chetsworth. This is one of the biggest dogs I have ever seen. his owner says he is a german shepard but I would put $500.00 on it that he is also I wolf hybrid mix. He is just a little bigger than chetsworth, has the rough fur like chetsworth and actually howls much more than chetsworth. He truely is a big puppy and a pleasure to be around.

This is Sophie. I'm sure I've posted pictures of her already but she's my favorite right now and is just so cute! Her family comes to pick her up tomorrow. I am going to be so sad.

This is Roxy. She is a Weimaraner, inside and out!! When she first got here last Saturday, she had SO much energy and was constantly jumping. I swore she was going to be the one to know our fence down. Its incredible how large this breed is and how much energy it has. It can be a disaster if that energy is not released. She has since calmed down. By the end of the day she is so worn out from playing all day that she doesn't even get up when I walk up to her pen. This job never ceases to amaze me. The most hyper dog at the kenel and she doesn't want to get up when I stick a camera in her pen. It seems like she knows I'm taking a picture of her and she's posing for the cover of Dog Fancy

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