Wednesday, June 15, 2011

American Girl Store

So it's been a whole 24 hours since I've posted...No I do not plan on updating this blog daily BUT I saw something on the news and I just HAD to let everyone know. On Saturday, an American Girl Store will be opening in Tysons. I AM SO EXCITED! My best friend since kindergarten Jen and I have been talking about planning a trip to NYC to go to the store but never made it up there. I have loved the American Girl Company since I was old enough to read their books.
Let's rewind 12 years ago. I was 8 years old. I begged and begged for Felicity and my mom told me that if I read ALL the books then she would buy her for me. So that summer I slowly and steadily "Met" the girls, "learned their lessons", experienced their "surprises", Celebrated their "birthdays", "saved their day", and experienced "change" in their lives. The day finally came. I had finished the alst Kirsten book which was SO painfully BORING! But I still DID! Felicity was ALL mine! Then the next day I got my American Girl Magaine and on the front page was the "newest addition to the American Girl Company family: JOSEPHINA! and YES, my mom told me I had to now read Josephina's book. Are you kidding me?!? I have to read 6 more books?!??! so I pretty much told my mother that she was INSANE and that I wasn't going to even think about reading. I have always been very bitter about that situation because my little sisters BOTH got American Girl dolls after read 0 READ IT 0 book!!!!!

Fast forward to February 14th, 2011. It was my 25th birthday and didn't think anything special of this birthday, accept for the fact that I could say my age in a funny way (ask my brother Kevin about that joke). So my parents hand me a present which I thought had unually nice wrapping. My mom was so scared I would figure it out just by the wrapping paper but I had NO clue. So anyways I unwrap my gift and find this inside:

So on my 25th birthday, as retarded as it sounds, I FINALLY got my felicity doll. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary so my parents thought it was appropriate to give it to my on the same occastion. My mom, of course, added that she and Barbie are the same age too!
Anyways, so you can imagine how exciting this new American Girl store is for me! and to get to experience it with my best friend who I experienced the thrill of the cook and dolls as young girls. I will post pictures from our trip to the new store...whenever we get a chance to go.

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