Sunday, February 21, 2010

Honeymoon and wedding band updates

Hey everyone!
So a change of plans with the honeymoon. We decided it is probably best if we stayed in the US. So we are going to Las Vegas and will probably be staying at caesar's palace. Update on my wedding band. Last night i went to reeds and talked to tim and tammy. It turns out Tim went to cardinal gibbons high school. Anyways I found THE BAND and fell in love with it. By the time i left the store, I talked the guy down a little and he also said that if I bring him a cheesecake next saturday, that he'd give me 10% off. So in short, I just sold a $100 cheesecake. Things are starting to pick up AND wind down at the same time. Invites are all done and ready to be sent. I will buy stamps for them on Monday and tomorrow, Steve and I have a tasting at Salerno's so that should be fun!! Well anyways I better go! GOODNIGHT!

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