Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hey everyone!
So christmas has come and gone and now New Years eve is almost here. This has been a very relaxing break and I have had a chance to get a lot of things done. Wedding favors have come in. I went to joanns and bought unity candles, 2 garters, 2 ribbons sashes, a veil, wedding programs, and the ring bearer pillow and only spent 120.00. I was very excited about that. I also am going to attempt to bead my own viel so well see how that goes. I have almost everything in terms of gifts for readers, paretns etc, excepts for the ring bearer and flower girl. I got the official engagement picture (see home page). Heather is such a sweetie and did not charge us for the pic. I am SO greatful! Lets see what else....I got a block of rooms for the hotel in frederick and you can even book it online. Right now I am in the process of looking at save the dates. We origanally picked one out but I am being jewish and don't wanna spend the money so we found a decent one on shutterfly but NOW im downloader photoshop as we speak to see if I can go one step cheaper and do them myself. well see. I just dont want them to look cheap. After I figure out the the save-the-date situation I will send my family's save the dates out ASAP and I will send Steve's out as soon as mom II gets me the list. Well anyways I better go.


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