Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Dream Job

This Summer I got the summer job of my dreams at a kennel in fairfield, PA! I LOVE IT! Here are a few pics of the regulars.
This is Tiger. He is an amazing dog and our kennel is fostering him. He is up for adoption through Mutts Matter Rescue.

This old lady is Sally. She is actually not a pit bull but some type of mastiff. She is SO sweet but dog agressive. she was rescued from a puppy mill and is mother to many many dogs out there. Sally is also up for adoption through Mutts Matter Rescue.

This is leche. He is a really cool dog and has a forever home. He is deaf and comes to visit often. He is so laid back. His only flaw: he barks SO loud! Of course he does! it's not like he can hear himself! tehe!

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