Saturday, June 25, 2011

Emma and Crab Feast

 A few weekends ago, Jen and I and the girls went to a crab feast to comemorate Pop's (Jen's dad) friend who passed away from cancer 6 years ago. We had a great time and despite her huge cast, Emma had a great time too! She get her cast removed on Monday THANK GOD! I am dying to take her swimming! Stay tuned for that blog post! least she's got the general idea.

Emma and her Uncle Justin. I LOVE IT when she gets in these moods. She get so goofy and suddenly thinks she's the most HILARIOUS person in the world. I start laughing at her, then she starts laughing at me, laughing at her. then I laugh at her laughing at me laughing at get the idea. Sometimes I get injured when she is in this mood (I got smacked with a little brass knob) but it was SO worth it!

Taking a break from her hilariousness.

Putting shades on Justin.

Just before she started to crash. It was a very exciting day!

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