Friday, May 29, 2009

Date Set

Hey everyone! So I talked to the priest at St Peters last week. I called asking to meet with him to schedule an official wedding date. He then told me that he usually DOES usually like to meet with the couple before setting a date but he was being transfered to another church. Because of his transfer Fr. John went ahead and put our date in the calander. I am supposed to contact the new priest whenever he comes to schedule a meeting. After speaking ot the priest, I registered Stephen and I for pre-cana as well. We take the FOCUS test September 13th (ish) and then we do the pre-cana classes all 5 Sundays in October from 1-3:30. This works out great for us because we can go to noon mass and then go right over to the pre-cana classes.

Another thing: I adjusted the registry at Macys. I was talking to my dad and he told me that unless I REALLY want it, to not put it on there. So I took a lot of things off. There are a TON of things on the Pampared Chef registry that I would just DIE to have!!! Hopefully in a few weeks the hall will be booked and we will begin to search for catereers, etc. Anyways, sorry this blog is so all over the place...I have a lot to say. Also! I got hired by Carroll County Public Schools! I will be teaching at Francis Scott Key High School in the fall!! Ok well not I'm going! Talk to everyone soon!! Ciao!

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