Sunday, June 26, 2011

1 Year Wedding Anniversary

So today is our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary. We didn't do a lot. Just went to eat crabs. We were there for over 2 hours. Then we went and got McFlurries for dessert. It wasn't very elaborate but it was wonderful. 

This is my hair from our Wedding Day

This is my sad attempt to recreate my hair for dinner last night. For those of you that know me, I can barely put my hair in a poney tail without there being bumps so although my hair looks ridiculous, it's a huge accomplishment for me. Notice my flower. I plan on wearing it every year on our anniversary. That way Steve won't ever forget it. (Not that he ever would but juuusstt in case). 

So after we got home from dinner, and after I took out my hair, I remembered that we hadn't taken a picture. The photo is horrible but it's something to commemorate the day.
Note to self:  I HAVE GOT to invest in a tripod...and a tanning bed!

1 comment:

  1. Did you eat the top tier of your wedding cake? We did that our first anniversary, it was delicious!
